NGS announces GVX data format for GNSS vector processing

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is requesting input and feedback on a new data format for sharing real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS vector information.

The new format will be like the static GNSS standard, Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX), and is utilized by most software packages and the Online Positioning User System (OPUS).

The new GNSS Vector Exchange format (GVX), will introduce a new industry standard for sharing of RTK vectors across differing platforms and software packages.

Earlier users of GPS-based data collection remember the number of proprietary files created by each manufacturer, and having their own unique format for data and attribute interpretation. In response, the NGS created RINEX to help standardize data collection as a universal file format that would easily be adopted by receiver and software producers.

That same goal is being set with the introduction of the GVX format as the next step in data-collection standardization for GNSS RTK vectors. GVX elements include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Mark-to-mark Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) vector components
  • Variances and covariances of vector components’
  • Reference frame information
  • Start and stop time of the observation
  • A-priori coordinates for the end points of each vector
  • Receiver and antenna types
  • RTK and real-time network (RTN) settings, if applicable
  • Quality control metadata (e.g., PDOP, number of satellites used, orbit type, etc.)

The introduction to the new format along with technical specifications and examples are on the NGS website.

The National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) works directly with NGS to provide input on maintaining and updating the National Spatial Reference System and will include significant assistance with educating geospatial data providers with the upcoming 2022 datum change and implementation of the North American Terrestrial Reference Frame of 2022 (NATRF2022). Source :

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